• STIKes Maharani Malang
  • STIKes Maharani Malang
  • STIKes Maharani Malang
Keywords: Job Rotation, Nurse Competence, Operating Room


Workassignment brings many positive benefits for the improvement of nurse competence. With job rotation, nurses' motivation and productivity can be maintained. Job rotation also allows the exchange of knowledge between nurses so as to enrich each other's competencies. This study aims to determine the effect of job rotation on the competence of nurses in the Elektif Operating Room of the Central Surgical Installation of RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang. Experimental quasy  research design with posttest only control design  40 respondents  intervention group giving job rotation (20 respondents) and control group without job rotation (20 respondents). Data were collected by questionnaires on employee rotation and nurse competence. Data analysis using independent t test with α = 0.05. The results showed that  in the intervention group, almost half of the 12 respondents (30%) had a job rotation in the non-conforming category. In the intervention group, almost half of the 14 respondents (35%) had moderate competence, while in the control group, almost half of the 18 respondents (45%) had low competence. The test results are different from  the Independent T Test obtained a value of p = 0.000 which means that there is an influence of job rotation on the competence of nurses in the elective operating room of the central surgical installation of RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. Well-designed job rotations can improve nurses' competence from various aspects. By periodically rotating jobs to various units, nurses get the opportunity to hone their skills in various fields.


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