
 Journal Information
  • Journal Title in ROAD ISSN: Professional Health Journal
  • Journal title (en): Professional Health Journal
  • Initials: PHJ
  • Abbreviation:  www.ojsstikesbanyuwangi.com/index.php/PHJ/
  • DOI: prefix 10.54832
  • e-ISSN: 2715-6249 (Online)
  • Editor-in-chief: Ns. Akhmad Yanuar Fahmi Pamungkas M.Kep 
  • Language: Indonesian and English
  • Frequency: Four issues per year |  June and December | more info
  • Management Style: Open Access
  • Publisher: PPPM Stikes Banyuwangi
  • Accreditation (S4): Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Republic of Indonesia. (No. 204/E/KPT/2022) | show decree
  • Indexing: DOAJ, SINTA 4, Dimensions, GARUDA, Google Scholar | more info
  • Visitor Statistic: Unique Visits
  • Journal History: more info
  • Current issue: Volume 4 Issue 2 Year 2022 (June)Archives | Start Submission
  • Publishing Articles: PHJ Volume 4 Issue 2 Year 2023 (June) Has Been Published In Progress Issue
  • Announcement: Call for papers
  • Citation Analysis:  Google Scholar
  • Collaboration with: PPNI and IBI | Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
  • OAI address: https://www.ojsstikesbanyuwangi.com/index.php/PHJ/oai

Organization Partners

Professional Health Journal collaborates with the PPNI ana IBI | Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Update Guidelines!!!

Dear Author/Reviewer/Reader

Before sending a paper, make sure that the similarity of your paper is checked first, the maximum paper equality limit in our journals is 20% and make sure your paper references use mendeley.

Thank You.

Maximum Similarity Rate and Reference Manager!!!

Dear Authors,

Before sending a manuscript, make sure that the similarity of your paper is checked first.

  1. The maximum similarity rate is 20%
  2. We suggest you use Reference Manager software (such as  EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero) for preparing your paper.

Thank You.

Changes in Publication Author Fee 

Therefore, starting from the January 2023 issue, there will be an adjustment to the publication fee to IDR 400.000 and Fastrack IDR 800.000