Respon Pasca Covid-19 Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Mental Health Anak Usia Sekolah : Studi Eksplorasi Menggunakan Mood And Feelings Questionnaire-Self Report (MFQ-SELF)

  • Wa Ode Aisa Zoahira Universitas Mandala Waluya
  • Anisa Purnamasari Universitas Mandala Waluya
Keywords: Mental Health; MFQ-SELF;covid-19; Children



               Children affected by the pandemic may experience the most vulnerable effects, as they are forced to stay at home for such long periods of isolation. All of this has a negative impact on children's mental health and well-being, which causes various kinds of mental health problems, such as anxiety, stress, depression, difficulty sleeping and lack of interaction with other friends. This can hinder growth and development which can eliminate children's opportunities to regulate stress, and cause children social isolation. The purpose of this study was to determine the post-Covid-19 response and its impact on children's mental health: an exploratory study using the Mood and Feelings Questionnaire-Self Report (MFQ-SELF). This study uses a cross-sectional method using non-probability aims to examine a phenomenon through hypothesis testing. Data collection was carried out at two schools, namely SDN 70 Kendari and SDN 39 Kendarii. Convenience sampling techniques were used to select research respondents. Data collection used the Mood And Feelings Questionnaire-Self Report (MFQ-SELF) questionnaire. The research results obtained a p-value = 0.017 where α < 0.05, indicating that there is a significant relationship between the Post-Covid-19 Response and the Mental Health Impact of School-Age Children Using the Mood and Feelings Questionnaire-Self Report (MFQ-SELF)) in SD Negeri 70 Kendari City and SD Negeri 39 Kendari City Based on the results of this research, the mental health of school age children needs to be one of the elements included in the nursing care process that will be provided by nurses.

Keywords: Mental Health; MFQ-SELF;covid-19; Children


Anak-anak yang terkena pandemi dapat mengalami efek yang paling rentan, karena mereka terpaksa tinggal di rumah untuk waktu yang begitu lama pengisolasian. Semua ini berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan mental anak-anak, yang menyebabkan berbagai macam masalah kesehatan mental, seperti kecemasan, stres, depresi,kesulitan tidur dan kurangnya berintraksi Bersama teman sebanyanya.Hal ini dapat menghambat pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang dapat menghilangkan kesempatan anak untuk mengatur stres, dan menyebabkan anak isolasi sosial. Tujuan pada penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Respon Pasca Covid-19 Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Mental Health Anak: Studi Eksplorasi Menggunakan Mood And Feelings Questionnaire-Self Report (MFQ-SELF). Penelitian ini menggunakan cross-sectional menggunakan metode non-probability bertujuan untuk meneliti suatu fenomena melalui uji hipotesis. Pengambilan data dilakukan di dua Sekolah  yaitu SDN 70 Kendari dan SDN 39 Kendarii.Tehnik Convenience sampling digunakan untuk memilih responden penelitian. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner Mood And Feelings Questionnaire-Self Report (MFQ-SELF). Hasil penelitian di peroleh nilai p-value = 0.017 dimana α < 0,05, menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara Respon Pasca Covid-19 terhadap Dampak Mental Health Anak Usia Sekolah Menggunakan Mood And Feelings Questionnaire-Self Report (MFQ-SELF)) di SD Negeri 70 Kota Kendari dan SD Negeri 39 Kota Kendari Berdasarkan hasil penelitian  ini, maka mental health anak usia sekolah perlu menjadi salah satu unsur yang dimasukkan dalam proses asuhan keperawatan yang akan diberikan oleh perawat .


Kata kunci:  Mental Health; MFQ-SELF; Covid-19; Anak


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How to Cite
Zoahira, W. O. A., & Purnamasari, A. (2023). Respon Pasca Covid-19 Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Mental Health Anak Usia Sekolah : Studi Eksplorasi Menggunakan Mood And Feelings Questionnaire-Self Report (MFQ-SELF). PROFESSIONAL HEALTH JOURNAL, 5(1sp), 160-167.