Moringa Leaf (Moringa oleifera), Cream, Cream Physical EvaluationAbstract
Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a plant that grows in tropical regions such as Indonesia. One of the benefits of moringa, which can be processed into food or medicine, is its leaves. Moringa leaves can also treat wounds and inflammation and accelerate wound healing, which functions as an anti-inflammatory. Cream is a semi-solid pharmaceutical preparation widely used in cosmetic products because of its soft and light texture. Cream is a type of pharmaceutical preparation used topically to treat various skin conditions. This study aimed to determine the formulation and physical evaluation of the preparation of the Moringa oleifera leaf extract cream. The extraction method used in this study was the infusion method with a ratio of 200 g of Moringa leaves and 200 ml of distilled water, which were then extracted at a temperature of 90°C for 15 minutes. The physical evaluation test of the cream preparation included the organoleptic test F1, F2 was yellow, and F3 was white. Homogeneity test of all homogeneous preparations, pH test of each formulation has pH 5, spread power test F1 5.33 cm, F2 5.23, F3 4.03 and adhesion test F1 7.10 seconds, F2 8.14 seconds, 8.59 seconds, stability test no change in consistency, no separation between phases and no mold growth during storage. This study concludes that F2 is a formulation that meets the requirements of the physical test of Moringa leaf extract cream preparation.