Community Empowerment, KIE Innovative, decreasing pulmonary TB casesAbstract
The main cause of the increasing problem of TB is poverty in various communities groups, the high economic growth with too high disparity, too high social determinants burden, the failure of TB programs, demographic change, other health problems, the impact of HIV / AIDS pandemic and TB double immune germs to anti-TB drugs. The purpose of this research was to know the model of community empowerment through Innovative KIE as an effort to decrease pulmonary TB cases in Songgon District Banyuwangi in 2016.
The design of this research is pre experimental with one group pre test - post test and using cross sectional through the observation of indicators of the pulmonary TB success program. The population is all Posyandu cadres in Songgon, there are 255 people, all patients with BTA positive pulmonary TB who had recovered are 10 people and all patients with BTA positive pulmonary TB who are in treatment are 15 people. The samples in this research are 102 people, all patients with BTA positive pulmonary TB who had recovered are 10 people and all patients with BTA positive pulmonary TB who are in treatment are 15 people. Cluster random sampling is used for Posyandu cadres, and census is used for patients with BTA positive pulmonary TB who had recovered and patients with BTA positive pulmonary TB who are in treatment. The statistical test used is dependent t-test if data distribution is normal and if the data are not normally distributed, Wilcoxon test is used.
The research results showed the Pokja cadres knowledge about pulmonary TB is increased significantly with SPSS on Asymp Sig (2 tailed) of
0.0001, as well as their role. It is shown by the raising invention of suspected cases of TB by 45%. Similarly, with the mentoring cadres to TB patients, the occurrence of TB cases conversion from BTA positive are 12 cases become negative BTA as much as 100%. An increased cases of pulmonary tuberculosis required real effort which is implementable so it can eliminate / restrict the causes of pulmonary TB cases by empowering communities through innovative KIE aimed to see a decrease of pulmonary TB cases. This research has been done on one of Banyuwangi districts in which the performance of countermeasures in pulmonary TB is quite good, that is Songgon District.